
West Bridgford


Groups listed alphabetically

Member quote

"When I left work, I missed the social banter. it left a void in my life. It took me quite a while to fill that void, that is until I joined the Badminton group at WB u3a.".

– Roy South, Member

This group will be running on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday evenings, viewing and reviewing silent movies. Starting Summer 2023, do contact the leader of Silent Films to register your interest or for more details.

The proposed group is for people who like to perform individually or in pairs, using ANY instrument like guitar, mandolin, ukulele, squeezebox, Violin, flute, sax, harmonica or acappelia. Any genre of song and style of play, eg pop or folk, including own compositions. It is good to play with a sympathetic circle of fellow players.
Do contact David if interested.

This group has a couple of vacancies, why not give it a try.

Joining a Group

To join any group, contact the group leader first for full details of meetings and any personal equipment required.

Our u3a is always willing to consider additional groups and welcome suggestions for a topic which we may not currently run, especially if you have an interest in getting the group 'going'.

If you cannot find what you are interested in, in West Bridgford, maybe one of the other u3a's does have something. Select the link (Groups across Nottinghamshire) and see what is available.

If you are wondering what is required of a group leader, perhaps this Group Leader Information will be helpful.

To attract new members or to inform your current members of what is happening in your group, group leaders are invited to advertise via the PowerPoint rolling display. The display runs continuously at the start of the Open Meeting and is a useful source of information for people whilst they have a seat and refreshment. Denis has taken on the responsibility for delivering the information attractively to excite interest. Send him details to get in the display newsreel
